But is it Biblical?
A weekly podcast and Bible study hosted by Glen & Lydia Farell. They are a married couple from Texas, discussing traditional evangelical church beliefs and answering the question "But is it Biblical?" to determine if the belief is truly taught in the Bible.
If you attend an evangelical or protestant church, this podcast is for you! Heck, even if you don't, come on in and stay awhile.
Explore what the Bible truly says (or doesn't say) about topics, including those pesky ones that the church tends to ignore or gloss over.
Learn how to properly translate and interpret passages based on the culture, context, author intent, and audience of the Biblical writings.
Get familiar with how to use https://www.blueletterbible.org/ , a Bible study resource.
Follow other works, including Glen's blog and book, found at https://lovedoneright.org/
For additional show notes, please visit: https://lovedoneright.org/resources
But is it Biblical?
Episode 3: Is the Bible Inspired? Part 2
In this episode, Glen & Lydia continue their study of the traditional belief that the Bible is inspired.
They discuss 2 Peter 3:16 and Revelation 22:18 as those verses relate to the inspiration and authority of the Bible.
What did Peter mean when he compared Paul’s letters to the rest of the scriptures?
Did John warn us not to add anything to (or take away from) the Bible?
Is the Biblical canon closed?
And they’ll give their conclusion to the question: Is the Bible Inspired?
Click HERE for a list of the scripture used in this episode:
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